Cross-Country / Aerobatic Aircraft
- +6/-3 G's
- Left / Right Seat Controls
- ~200 mph Cruise Speed
- ~10 gal/hr fuel burn
- 42 gal fuel tanks
- 100 lb cargo
- IFR Certified
- Coupled Autopilot
- Artificial Horizon ADI
- Moving Map
- Traffic / Weather Advisories
Airworthiness Certificate Recieved: 4/28/2020. Superior XIO-360 M1B1D2 Engine. Dual E-Mag Electronic Ignition. Airflow Performance FM-150 Fuel Controller. GAMI Precision Fuel Injectors. Vetterman Crossover Dual-Muffler Exhaust. New Hartzell C/S Prop. Dual 10" Dynon Displays. Advanced Flight System Quick-Panel w/ Electronic Circuit Breakers. Garmin GPS-175 Navigator. FlyLED's Advanced Lighting System. Custom Paint Job. Custom Interior.
This is a very cool plane, and it was a fun project! See the build video below for an idea of what it took to build this beautiful Van's RV-7: